Paid advertisements

Advertise with us

Advertising made easy  

If you like the idea of taking out an advert but you’re not quite sure what it should say or how it should look, our free design process gets your ad on the page in three simple steps: 

Give us a call

Give us a call on 01625 529900 to discuss advert options and get all the advice and guidance you need

Send us the image

Send us the images & any other content you want to use to advertise your business 

Sit back and relax

Sit back and relax while we design your advert for you

Reach your target market

Enjoy Exceptional Advertising Results. 

Want to sell to farmers and agricultural businesses in Cheshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, North Wales and beyond? Then you’re in the right place.

Whether you’re a local business or a national firm, The Farmart is the best way to get in front of your target audience.

With a proud 40 year history, we have an exceptionally strong profile advertising to the people who need what you sell. From new and second hand machinery, to livestock products and services, our readers know they can pick up the directory and find just what they need.

We’re sometimes called the Yellow Pages for farmers. But, unlike the Yellow Pages, our publication is getting fatter and we’ve got a growing readership. Walk into any farmhouse or agricultural business in our region and you’re bound to find the latest edition next to the phone.

The magazine only ends up in the hands of people who request a free subscription or take a copy at livestock markets and retail outlets. That’s how we ensure The Farmart:

Rate Cards

The prices below are for random positions (so you may be next to a competitor) unless payment is made as shown below in special positions. 

Print advert in full colour
(Random Position)
Full Page
3/4 Page
1/2 Page
1/4 Page
1/8 Page
Single Booking
10% off for 3 Month Booking
15% off 12 Month Booking
Website Adverts
Headline Banner Advert
Side Bar Advert
Width: 450px Height 90px
Width: 308px Height: 250px
Price for 30 day booking
£265 +vat
£175 +vat

Special Positions/Other – Extra cost per month before VAT if available. These are very time consuming so never given free of charge.

Special Positions
Full Page
3/4 Page
1/2 Page
1/4 Page
1/8 Page
Right Hand or early page
£25 each
£25 each
£25 each
£25 each
£25 each
Page 2, 3, opposite or above index
£35 each
£35 each
£35 each
£35 each
£35 each
Back cover
Front cover
Box on Front cover
9,000 Loose inserts/Flyers
£695 up to 25g
£865 up to 50g
£995 up to 75g
Expert page
1 month £410
3 months £1,055
Classified Ads (max 40 words)
1 month £60
3 months £150

All prices shown are excluding VAT.



Sheep & Lambing


Slurry, Drainage & Water


Tractors, Machinery & Hire


Silage, Crops & Contractors


All Things Dairy


Professional Services & Diversification


Fencing & Groundwork


Livestock, Feed & Animal Health


Getting Ready for Winter


Slurry / Hoof Health


Building & Construction


ATVs, 4x4s & Farm Vehicles

Size of advertisements
  • Full Page – 194mm x 272mm
  • 3/4 Page – 194mm x 203mm
  • 1/2 Page Landscape – 194mm x 134mm, 1/2 Page Portrait – 94mm x 272mm
  • 1/4 Page Landscape – 194mm x 64mm, 1/4 Page Portrait – 94mm x 134mm
  • 1/8 Page – 94mm x 64mm,
  • Front Cover 189mm x 185mm

To sponsor one of our monthly features, please phone 01625 886933 or contact our team.

Show features

May – Shropshire Show & Staffordshire Show
Jun – Cheshire Show
Sep – UK Dairy Day, Cheshire & Other Ploughing Matches
Nov – English Winter Fair & Farm Business Innovation Show

50% of our advertisers can’t be wrong

Results show that advertising in The Farmart is so successful that over 50% of those advertisers who were in the magazine 10 years ago are still advertising with us on a regular basis. 

You’ll be glad to know that the The Farmart team aren’t sitting in a call centre somewhere. We’re close to the field, have known many of our customers for years and provide a level of service we don’t think you’ll find elsewhere. We also know what works for our readers and what doesn’t so we’re best placed to help you get the most from your advertising investment.

Request a quote by sending us a message or calling on 01625 529 900 (or Text/WhatsApp us on 07706 074 216)


We can not guarantee to have space available after these dates, but it is always worth a call, and we will do our best to fit you in.

2024 Issues
Copy Deadlines
Loose Inserts to Printer by
Posting Date
January Issue
8th December
13th December
21st December
February Issue
15th January
17th January
28th January
March Issue
12th February
14th February
25th February
April Issue
11th March
13th March
25th March
May Issue
15th April
17th April
29th April
June Issue
13th May
15th May
28th May
July Issue
14th June
19th June
24th June
August Issue
15th July
17th July
29th July
September Issue
12th August
14th August
26th August
October Issue
16th September
18th September
30th September
November Issue
14th October
16th October
25th October
December Issue
11th November
13th November
23rd November